The shepherd principle - 7 recipes for good leadership

Submitted by kurtmühlematter on

A respected American company director reveals the key to his professional success to a young reporter. Using the image of the shepherd, his leadership and handling of the sheep, he vividly shows how we should lead people. He describes seven recipes for success.

1. Always know the exact condition of your flock
2. Discover the caliber of your sheep
3. Help your sheep to identify with you
4. Ensure the safety of your pasture
5. Your staff with which you lead
6. Your stick with which you correct
7. The heart of the shepherd

7 recipes for success of an excellent leader

Always know exactly the condition of your herd

  • Follow the condition of your people just as closely as the condition of your work.
  • Get to know your flock well, one sheep at a time.
  • Look after each individual on a regular basis.
  • Keep your eyes and ears open, ask questions and follow the story of each individual.

Discover the format of your sheep

  • The type of sheep you choose is crucial. This will make it easier or more difficult to manage your flock.
  • Start with healthy sheep, otherwise you will inherit other people's problems
  • Look at the following for each sheep: Strengths, heart, attitude, character, experiences. This helps to ensure that you find the ones that are right for you in the flock.

Help your sheep to identify with you

  • Gain the trust of your employees by striving to be authentic, integer and empathetic.
  • Set high performance standards
  • Relentlessly communicate your values and sense of mission with them.
  • Define for your people exactly what is at stake and clarify with everyone where he or she fits best.
  • Always remember that excellent leadership is not just a professional skill, but something very personal.

Ensure the safety of your pasture

  • Always keep your people well informed.
  • Show that every job is important to you.
  • Remove chronic complainers from the herd.
  • Regularly move the sheep to fresh pastures in turn.
  • Give the sheep a sense of security by making yourself visible.
  • Don't give problems time to fester.

Your staff with which you lead

  • Be aware of where you are going, lead the way and keep your flock moving.
  • When leading, use persuasion, not coercion.
  • Give your people freedom of movement, but make sure they know where the fence line is. Don't confuse boundaries with bridles.
  • If your people get into trouble, go and get them out.
  • Show your people that failure is not the end of the world.

Your stick with which you correct

  • Protect: Jump into the breach and fight for your sheep.
  • Rebuke: Frame action to discipline as an opportunity to teach.
  • Check: Regularly ask each of your people how he/she is doing.

The heart of the shepherd

  • Strong leadership is a lifestyle, not a technique.
  • You have to decide every day who pays the price for your leadership: you or your people.
  • Above all else, have a heart for your sheep.

Shepherds in the youth group

Not everyone is a shepherd and doesn't have to be. But if you have a shepherd's heart, the above will give you direction. Take time to think about your shepherding ministry based on the 7 points. Ask your children, your team, how they see you in this respect. Discuss as a team how you interact with your children and teenagers and whether these 7 key things are being considered. Too often you focus on the programs and far too little on the "sheep":

  • do you know each sheep personally? His passion, his sufferings, his dreams, his disappointments, his gifts, his weaknesses, his situation at home, at school, ...
  • what would be the next step in its growth? What food does your sheep need? How can you help it to grow spiritually?
  • where did one of them get lost? In gambling addiction? In inferiority? In anger? ...

You can only do this if you yourself stay very close to your shepherd - to Jesus? How and where do you experience Jesus as your shepherd?


  • Cover picture: Clipart courtesy of the publisher buch+musik ejw-service gmbh, Stuttgart -
    from: Jungscharleiter Grafik-CD plus; Second revised edition 2002
    © buch+musik ejw-service gmbh, Stuttgart
  • Mindmap: Juropaarchiv,

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