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Quarterly program for 9 youth group afternoons with 8 devotions, December to April in 2 parts

This article provides a little guidance for creating a semester or quarterly program.

Making as much oil (Coke cans) dry up as possible and being the first to reach the finish line - these are the high goals that the teens set for themselves in this game.

Who dares, wins!

Resolving conflicts with various game ideas - is that possible? Mediation can be a solution approach.

A slightly different way to perceive the environment in a special way.

An amusing race "for the food"

Dusk is a special time in the forest. One has the feeling that silence returns to the forest. Probably this impression is based on the fact that the bird calls gradually disappear. But of course there is no peace in the forest, because now begins for many animals the actually active time of day.

We will have a new body in heaven!

Prepared by

Background on the topic


  • 7 to 14
  • Between 10-15 participants
  • Indoor or outdoor
  • 1 leader is enough
  • Up to 10 minutes at most


  • 16 matchboxes
  • Different types of grains ( beans, corn, lentils, etc.)


The goal of BESJ ministries is to win young people for Jesus and the church  and to intentionally nurture them.

Offtmals the money in the Jungschar is limited. However, this should not stand in the way of a cool program. Therefore, here are a few shops where you can get the respective material cheapest.

The forest offers ideal conditions for hide-and-seek as well as adventure games. However, clear rules must be agreed and certain safety precautions taken

This short game promotes cohesion and team spirit.

The DISG personality profile is an instrument for determining individual behavior patterns and serves to promote self- and social competence. 

(Following are excerpts, complete article: see PDF file)

With this game you have to be attentive and it should stimulate the imagination.

Together with the Teamweekend participants, we collect ideas for the realization of the starlizacks. The aim is to create material that can then be placed on the YoungstarsWiki.

Risk management is a systematic process for "identifying and assessing risks, and managing responses to identified risks" (Wikipedia). The aim is to ensure a high level of safety for your volunteers and leaders at all Jungschar events.

Risk management is a systematic process for assessing risks and managing responses to them (Wikipedia).

Goal of the game:

- Extinguish torch from the other village
- Cook food (zVieri/snack, dinner) - for this you have to keep the fire going

In this article, you'll find some tips to make sure shopping for craft supplies doesn't break your budget

Useful tips and links about personality tests

Disguises are the easiest way to immerse yourself in another world for a while in your imagination. And with very little effort!

Children do not only develop outwardly, their faith also changes with age. Youth leaders need to be aware of this and shape their messages accordingly

As they search for the rescue submarine, everyone is in the dark. Yet it's in the middle of the ocean, acting all calm while everyone else searches excitedly.

A fun icebreaker where there is no loser.

A game in which you can experience experiential communication disorder.

- Introduce games - play

- Conduct an entire tournament at the end of the game period



- Effects of coordination and communication internally and externally

- Methods to improve coordination and communication in the community

Marking banners is an important and necessary tool. This makes it clear who owns the sheets and for what purpose they are to be used.

A Christmas theatre about the joy of life, time and love

Suspenseful competition and devotion on the theme of Psalms.

Competition for 3 groups of teenagers with picture puzzles, pantomime, collages.

The snow is on fire, the snow is on fire!!! Can this be true?

15 puzzles on stories from the Old Testament. They are suitable as a supplement to Bible studies in school lessons, children's services, Sunday school, youth group lessons and camps


  • Age group 7 to 14 years
  • Outdoors in the city
  • At least 5 leaders
  • Up to 1 hour


The packing list ( file attached)

Bags for the children to collect the items in.

Buttons that will serve as money.

Soon we meet for the joint departure to the "New World", as America is also called at this time. Are you prepared for adventure and western life? We are looking forward to our time together!

And God said, "Let there be space between the waters to separate the waters." And so it happened, God created that space to separate the waters above and below it. And God called the space "heaven." It became evening and morning: the second day. (Genesis 1:6-8)

I have the devotion on the second day to the "dividing of the waters." We now disagree on what the water looked like in the sky. I imagine clouds. As we know them now. But my brother thinks there were no clouds before the Flood and it was a layer of water in the sky. Can you help us there? What did the water in the sky look like?



An afternoon of Jungschar in public - mingling with the public

Guaranteed to be an absolute HIT!

- Competitive game conducted as a feast to get to know each other

- and as a conclusion there is a feast!

The rider is carried on the banner through a course, the direction is given by his plan, because his wheels are blind!

He gives commands but it has interfering "callers" in between and his wheels must listen only to him.

In this pants bag game, trust is strengthened within the group.


Program blocks in the camp program:

- in which all can participate

- which must "carry" over a long period of time 

- where material and location can be organized to some extent 

Just four documents in english and bulgarian that can help you teaching first aid subjects.

This game is all about having fun. There are no winners and no losers.

17 puzzles lead through the New Testament. Useful for devotions with Bible stories, Bible studies in children's services, Sunday school, youth group

A fun game of tag.


How can we achieve a really good interaction in the team?

This game is played with flower sprayers or water atomizers. The goal is to get the ping pong ball into the goal of the opponent with the water pressure from the bottle.

Two players face each other and play the ball to each other. The ball must be hit about in the middle of the fabric, when the ball comes the two timbers are pulled apart and the ball flies back.

From a piece of wood and some nails a hedgehog can be made easily and without much effort even with smaller children.