
A little game to illustrate that we are to look to God and not to the people around us.

This semester program tells the story of Esther (The Story of Esther in the Bible). Enclosed you will also find reports and pictures from the individual afternoons.

This semester program includes various games that will be played on the respective afternoons

Details can also be read in the reports.

Here you will find a semester program on the topic of "Samichlaus" (St. Nicholas). The Jungschar Salem has made him without further ado the SalemChlaus and developed a great program for it.

Here you will find a semester program on the topic: "Bomb". From the chase with bomber to the "bomb party" is everything in it.

Suggestions for group games of the teen club ELK Bauma

Program for 10 days children's camp of the FEG Zurich.

Semester program presented as iPhone apps, Jungschar Weingarten

Semester program 1st semester 2011 of the Jungschar Stammheim

Here you will find a spiritual camp concept and a weekly plan on the theme of "King Arthur."

Here you'll find a spiritual camp concept, a weekly schedule, and a play script on the theme of "Uncle Tom's Cabin."

Here you will find a spiritual camp concept and a weekly plan on the theme of "Gypsies."

Knowing Biblical Cities: 8 afternoons

Jungschar Chrischona, Bettingen

Taster afternoon of the Jungschar Benaja Seedorf with:

- ropeway
- big rope bridge
- picnic

Experiencing history: Hebrews/Egyptians with the plagues that go with it

Goal of the game:

- Extinguish torch from the other village
- Cook food (zVieri/snack, dinner) - for this you have to keep the fire going


Indoor and outdoor play possible with up to 10 children

Game idea of the Jungschar FMG Wetzikon

A little game on the story of Samson.
(Bible; Judges 13-16)

The principle is similar to the game Scissors, Rock, Paper.

A Christmas theatre about the joy of life, time and love

Tips on quiet time

Thinks from Martin Luther

Critical questions and statements

On the Bible text: Genesis 1:1-31

All chapters in detail, see PDF file (24 pages)

Revelation according to tapes by Rev. Walter Weyrich

Lessons 2 - 14 see PDF file

Week camp with devotions and playing cards:

Discover the meaning of your life

Complete article, see PDF files

8 day sola 2014 of the youth forum Wiedenest

Detail program Teen-Sola 2014

Theme: Vikings

The board loop is used to attach a board for a swing, for example. Two loops are placed around the board and the inner loop is then pulled over the board.

A semester program of diverse activities on the theme "I like to move it!" and with 8 devotions on the parables of Jesus.

This article provides a little guidance for creating a semester or quarterly program.

Spiritual Concept of a Semester with 9 Devotions on the Lives of Elijah and Elisha.

Spiritual concept of a semester with 9 devotions on the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7).

The children learn about the standards of Jesus and how to apply them.

They read independently in the Bible and share about it.

The tether knot is suitable for tying people up. It is further developed from the pole knot.

The mason's knot is suitable for attaching to trees or for hauling beams and logs with a rope. It is a tapered loop and holds only under tension. The knot is also called a carpenter's knot.

The Bretzel, also called Schiffer or half blow, is used to fasten a taut rope to a tree or mast. He is a tapered noose.

A semester program on Esther and Ruth (Spiritual Theme) as well as various ideas for program activities.

When Jesus spoke, it came alive. He did not make yawning lectures with many abstract words but often used pictures. We humans love pictures. Pictures are easier to memorize. Pictures illustrate something and pictures can be remembered - especially when they have something to do with our life. And the pictures which Jesus used, had to do with his audience. Let us take the parables of the kingdom of heaven (Matthew chapter 13) as an example. A whole chapter where Jesus talks in images to the people and his disciples. There were many farmers among the audience and that is what the parables of the fourfold field are aiming at - the word which does not only fall on good soil or the image of the enemy who sows a seed which destroys the good seed. Then there were also housewives, for whom the image of the leaven is just right or then also the fishing net, which of course fits for the fishermen in this region at the so-called Galilean Sea - the Sea of Galilee.

But if we now ask ourselves which image Jesus probably used as the very first one, it seems to be not so easy at all. And if I'm going to ask it that way, it's certainly not one of the ones I just mentioned. That's true. The parable of the fishing net is the closest to our image, because it is also about fishing. Now, of course, it rings a bell with most people. It is about the incident when Jesus was passing by the Sea of Galilee and saw Peter and Andrew in the boat and called out to them, "Come, follow me. I will make you fishers of men!" An incident that is actually familiar to many of us. But I think it's worth looking at a little more closely:

Goal of the week: to help teens get a long-term vision for living as a Christian in order to survive in a postmodern, de-Christianized environment


International Basic Training BT1-07 Bodensee

Adventure with the EXPLORER youth group, Uznach

Jungschar program, invited: non-believing youth

Various camp programs with a "Gold Diggers"


Attached is the rough program for a camp on the theme "Go West - Settlers". Unfortunately the planning of the last day is missing. But it is worth looking at the other seven days.

125 Program Suggestions of Every Kind for Filled Young Share Afternoons

What are the names of the mountains in the Bible and what activities took place at/on them?

- Mountain of longing
- Mountain of silence
- Mountain of salvation
- Mountain of prayer
- Mountain of preaching
- Mountain of decision

This article grew out of a desire to keep finding new ways of proclaiming the Good News.


The experiments listed are to be performed only by persons experienced in experimenting with chemical substances, exercising the greatest care, and adhering to all safety regulations.

Petroleum lamps are easy to use and really bring out the boy's spirit in camps.

Petrolamps can be ordered online.

Here's a quick guide on how to use a petroleum lamp.

This petroleum lamp is also called storm lantern or lantern.

  • Hiking and sleeping on straw
  • Excursion to the waterfall and discovery of a ruin
  • etc.

A quick reaction game with evaluation.

This game is an off-road game that can be played in an open meadow as well as in the forest.

Running with these füssen is not as easy as it looks at first glance. The Füsse are strapped into two leather loops and then a certain distance either against each other or in a certain time must be run. 

Juggling with drainage, is a totally simple game with an insane fun factor. By moving back and forth, a tennis ball can be thrown into the air and then caught again with the other side.

Max the gymnast moves while turning the crank and performs his little tricks. It does not matter to Max whether he moves forward or backward, fast or slow.