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If potassium nitrate solution is used to paint something onto the tissue paper and the tissue paper is dried, the letters or symbols slowly burn from the center to the edge after lighting. In this way, hidden things can be made visible.

Scrabble is a well-known parlour game that can also be expanded with several variants, give it a try!

The game is similar to "Pelote Basque", but yet not - be surprised!


The Bible:

- incredible

- full strong

- topical

- personal


  • 7-14 years
  • Between 10-15
  • Indoor or outdoor
  • 2-3 supervisors will be needed to monitor the game
  • 45 min to 1 hour

For evangelism, you have to be on fire yourself

"Charisma is when someone burns inside and you feel it outwardly."

(Gerhard Schöne)

Jungschi Advent Advent Calendar

As a leadership team, you could make your Jungschi children an Advent devotional calendar.

The calendar includes reading the Christmas story, encouraging words, and little contests.

Here's the template for how we gave the kids the calendar for St. Nicholas Boys' Night. Some of the template still needs to be modified.

Have fun!

Funny game of tag, blindfolded.


  • Soap base
  • Lavender oil
  • Food coloring
  • Lavender buds (dried)
  • Gas cooker
  • Casserole
  • Knife
  • Silicone Forms
  • Wooden spoon or whisk

Gain Self-Knowledge Through the 10 Commandments

Texts on this in the Bible: Exodus 20:1-17; Deut. 5:6-18; Matt. 5:17-7:29; 22:34-40; Gal. 5:16-24 

An amusing race "for the food"

We will have a new body in heaven!

Prepared by

Background on the topic

Risk management is a systematic process for "identifying and assessing risks, and managing responses to identified risks" (Wikipedia). The aim is to ensure a high level of safety for your volunteers and leaders at all Jungschar events.

Risk management is a systematic process for assessing risks and managing responses to them (Wikipedia).

The DISG personality profile is an instrument for determining individual behavior patterns and serves to promote self- and social competence. 

(Following are excerpts, complete article: see PDF file)

A slightly different way to perceive the environment in a special way.

Competing with others in the long throw is fun for everyone: Australians throw with rubber boots, the East Frisians with tea bags and in Scotland they even throw with telegraph poles at the famous "High-Land-Games".

The forest offers ideal conditions for hide-and-seek as well as adventure games. However, clear rules must be agreed and certain safety precautions taken

15 puzzles on stories from the Old Testament. They are suitable as a supplement to Bible studies in school lessons, children's services, Sunday school, youth group lessons and camps


  • age group 7-14
  • Outside, but around where you gather
  • One or two leaders
  • Up to 15 minutes

This article provides a little guidance for creating a semester or quarterly program.


Currents and Influences on Teens Today

... and how do we counter the currents and influences?

Here you will find a semester program on the topic of "Samichlaus" (St. Nicholas). The Jungschar Salem has made him without further ado the SalemChlaus and developed a great program for it.

The game can be a bit brutal, but for letting off steam it is perfectly suitable.

This workshop was prepared by me in the context of a camp (Steven feature film - the secret of the red thread) of Bibellesebund. It covers the topic of film from the basic idea to the production and post-production

Prayer class for each day of a week with theme:


To do this, we look at the life of Gehazi, the servant of Elisha

Dusk is a special time in the forest. One has the feeling that silence returns to the forest. Probably this impression is based on the fact that the bird calls gradually disappear. But of course there is no peace in the forest, because now begins for many animals the actually active time of day.


Nobody will deny that the Ameisli, Jungschar and teen work costs something. But - who is going to pay for it? The youth leaders? The church? Sponsors? Or simply donors? 

Teens create one or more circus shows


  • Hiking and sleeping on straw
  • Excursion to the waterfall and discovery of a ruin
  • etc.

Quarterly program for 9 youth group afternoons with 8 devotions, December to April in 2 parts


  • 7 to 14
  • Between 10-15 participants
  • Indoor or outdoor
  • 1 leader is enough
  • Up to 10 minutes at most


  • 16 matchboxes
  • Different types of grains ( beans, corn, lentils, etc.)

A juice made from red cabbage has a completely different color in an alkaline and acidic environment. This shows how the smallest influences can have a big effect and how creative God is in creation.

With this game you have to be attentive and it should stimulate the imagination.

Children do not only develop outwardly, their faith also changes with age. Youth leaders need to be aware of this and shape their messages accordingly

Offtmals the money in the Jungschar is limited. However, this should not stand in the way of a cool program. Therefore, here are a few shops where you can get the respective material cheapest.

The rider is carried on the banner through a course, the direction is given by his plan, because his wheels are blind!

He gives commands but it has interfering "callers" in between and his wheels must listen only to him.


  • Age group 7 to 14 years
  • Outdoors in the city
  • At least 5 leaders
  • Up to 1 hour


The packing list ( file attached)

Bags for the children to collect the items in.

Buttons that will serve as money.

As they search for the rescue submarine, everyone is in the dark. Yet it's in the middle of the ocean, acting all calm while everyone else searches excitedly.

A fun icebreaker where there is no loser.

Useful tips and links about personality tests

- Introduce games - play

- Conduct an entire tournament at the end of the game period


This short game promotes cohesion and team spirit.


New, Effective Ways in Community Building

1. Family as part of the creation order

2. Happy families form the best foundation of any social order

3. Families - Temples of God

4. Family as a shelter against the destructive, anti-human decay

5. Families helping families - social networks

6. Winning whole families for the kingdom of God

7. Families experience joy(s) - imagination - peace

8. ... before it's too late


- Competitive game conducted as a feast to get to know each other

- and as a conclusion there is a feast!

The laws of physics are put to the test here. Everyone must be able to rely on each other.

Goal of the game:

- Extinguish torch from the other village
- Cook food (zVieri/snack, dinner) - for this you have to keep the fire going

In this article, you'll find some tips to make sure shopping for craft supplies doesn't break your budget

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing from the theme God's Word is like light.