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Suspenseful competition and devotion on the theme of Psalms.

Competition for 3 groups of teenagers with picture puzzles, pantomime, collages.

A simple little craft. A bookmark is melted together from 5 drinking straws.

Soon we meet for the joint departure to the "New World", as America is also called at this time. Are you prepared for adventure and western life? We are looking forward to our time together!

To walk the world without eyesight is a challenge for those who are not used to it. There is a lot to discover here. For the participants, this can be a real adventure

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing from the theme God's Word is like light.


Program blocks in the camp program:

- in which all can participate

- which must "carry" over a long period of time 

- where material and location can be organized to some extent 


- Effects of coordination and communication internally and externally

- Methods to improve coordination and communication in the community

Disguises are the easiest way to immerse yourself in another world for a while in your imagination. And with very little effort!

Marking banners is an important and necessary tool. This makes it clear who owns the sheets and for what purpose they are to be used.

A Christmas theatre about the joy of life, time and love

An eventful bike ride to emulate!

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing with the theme God's Word is like fire.

17 puzzles lead through the New Testament. Useful for devotions with Bible stories, Bible studies in children's services, Sunday school, youth group

In this pants bag game, trust is strengthened within the group.

Two groups go from house to house to exchange one item for a bigger one.

And God said, "Let there be space between the waters to separate the waters." And so it happened, God created that space to separate the waters above and below it. And God called the space "heaven." It became evening and morning: the second day. (Genesis 1:6-8)

I have the devotion on the second day to the "dividing of the waters." We now disagree on what the water looked like in the sky. I imagine clouds. As we know them now. But my brother thinks there were no clouds before the Flood and it was a layer of water in the sky. Can you help us there? What did the water in the sky look like?


An afternoon of Jungschar in public - mingling with the public

Guaranteed to be an absolute HIT!

The snow is on fire, the snow is on fire!!! Can this be true?

Cool custom t-shirt dyeing with the youngsters!

Disciplined behaviour is extremely important in a Jungschar. Only in this way is it possible to run programs in such a way that they are fun for (almost) everyone. And only this way it is possible to do activities with a little higher risk with the children. In these situations we have to be able to rely on them.

A fun game of tag.


How can we achieve a really good interaction in the team?

This game is played with flower sprayers or water atomizers. The goal is to get the ping pong ball into the goal of the opponent with the water pressure from the bottle.

It is gratifying that singing Christian songs takes up a large part of our camps. But why is this important and what conditions must be fulfilled so that singing can succeed?

This game is all about having fun. There are no winners and no losers.

Bible passages for focused prayer

It is not at all easy to find a theme for the camp, for the Bible nowhere tells of ice and snow.

Two players face each other and play the ball to each other. The ball must be hit about in the middle of the fabric, when the ball comes the two timbers are pulled apart and the ball flies back.

Just four documents in english and bulgarian that can help you teaching first aid subjects.

From a piece of wood and some nails a hedgehog can be made easily and without much effort even with smaller children.

In this game, the goal is to collect as much money as possible. The one who has accumulated the most money has won.

After that, a "good" link can be made on the subject of money, earthly possessions. Possible Bible passages could be: Matthew 6:19-21, Matthew 6:26 

Eating cheese slices can function as a kind of team building activity. We eat cheese slices after the Jungschi afternoon, for example. On the one hand, we use this as a source of nourishment, but also to strengthen the leadership team.

It is said to happen to the ablest of tea-circle workers that they occasionally struggle to put together a game night or use games well-placed.

Here shall Abhillfe come!

Present a recorded situation.

Playing Human Soccer with Asterix and Obelix.


Big Game Event

See PDF file

for detailed description

With the help of craft sheets can create beautiful works of art. The templates can be downloaded as a PDF and printed. Since the templates were created by professionals, you can assume a high quality.

Finally in a few lines you can discover evangelical scouts. A viable alternative. See:

The value of life - divine.

Divine life - without loss of value.

The task - to make life worth living.

We organize a soapbox race with as little effort as possible. This can spur the teens and kids to build their own soapboxes.

Key Message: As newborns, change begins in us and those around us!

Hans-Georg Gerster

Teenies can participate in a self-chosen interest group for a certain period of time. They work actively and propose project topics themselves, e.g. foreign cooking

This season, we will look at the story of William Tyndale, who translated the Bible from Hebrew into English. Through this story, we will be able to show children the importance of the Word and that we should be thankful to have it in a language that is accessible to us. We will experience different things that are part of the story.


A glance at the children's section of a bookstore is enough to see the importance of the theme of friendship. Books with tales of brave children's gangs share the shelf with friendship books to fill in yourself. 


Encourage the teens' existing creativity and let it come to fruition by planning, designing and realising a joint project. It is possible and makes sense to let the teens themselves work out the type and execution of a project in the competition. The joint realization of the project should lead to a sense of achievement, which encourages more creative activities (project can be combined with public relations!)

Riddle and brain game

Which group is the most credible encyclopedia?

In this game players play in groups. These groups get the task to take pictures of certain objects and/or certain constellations. To solve this task, they have to find the given motives and partially need to ask by-passers for help.