Am meisten angesehene Artikel

A relatively large amount of money can be saved in certain areas with little effort at Jungschar camps. This article is a collection of tips on how to keep the financial expenditure as small as possible

Push-up race in knee-deep water. Only the hands touch the ground. The feet can drag or paddle.

A children's week on the theme of "time travel"

Water game with little effort - great success!

Various running games in knee-deep water.

Helps clarify Bible stories for children's worship, school, and home.

A short game where you can let off steam intensively

An evening around the campfire is made for storytelling, and those stories today are, of course, about the forest.

for you and your team

Steps into God's presence - in five steps into the "tête à tête" with God. Here, across from God, you will find energy for you and your team

We make cards with sand pictures / cast pictures

while contemplating Bible stories

In this afternoon's EPA, we investigated a case that concerned a dispute between two mothers regarding a child, each claiming that the child was hers.....

Have you figured it out yet, yes this is the case that King Solomon solved quickly, easily and most of all wisely.

As usual we started with a welcome, rules and a preface.

Ninja is a game to bridge short waiting periods.

Playing football with teens, modeling and passing on faith.

Your camp participants should have many play options and opportunities available to them in the non-programmed time in camp ("marginal times") in self-selected play groups, in pairs or alone

In the new quarter of our EPA season, we are starting with a new theme that is related to different short stories. They involve children and animals that God uses in amazing ways. The next story we will look at is about a little girl who really wanted to have blue eyes like her mother.

As obvious as this statement seems, it is often disregarded in practice. The expectations of the congregation, the youth group and its leaders are often very high (something similar can be said about the other branches of children's and youth work)

Players must memorize various objects from nature and then search for them.

With this Bible reading idea, you can experience 10 to 15 inspiring minutes together with other people from your group.

Locally, regionally, or nationally, create teen group performances at church, crusade, graduation party

At this EPA, we decided our theme would be The Deception Between Esau and Jacob,

We began with a short skit between "Laban" and "Jacob," with the skit expressing Laban's promise to give his daughter for seven years of labor on Jacob's part.


Developing the leader personality

This is a pants bag game that can be played in the tun hall with little materials. It encourages cooperation and a willingness to help each other among the participants.

For anniversary and inauguration celebrations, it's good to have sponsorship competitions.

Mikado game with "big" sticks

Here are a few ideas and tips for writing articles.

Achja: As with every other article on the YoungstarsWiki: Additions are welcome!

Ideas for pre-evangelistic projects from practice. A field report from Langenthaler Jungscharen.

This article is a Forum Heft article and it is attached in full as a pdf below - only excerpts are reproduced here.



Finding your way as a team through a playing field where you don't even know the way!
Encourage each other and make decisions.

Youngstars ministry is based on seven core values: Christ-centered, relational, needs-based, holistic experiential, multiplication, community-relevant, society-relevant.

For the anniversary year of the Jungschar, offer a Chilbi (German: Kirmes/Jahrmarkt).

Velotours in groups are very eventful, but sometimes also dangerous.

Therefore we want to act especially responsibly.

A week in which young and old, mothers and fathers, Kids Treff and Jungschar successfully pull together. 

Three arguments for your personal testimony

The Federal Office of Sport in Magglingen, Y+S Documentation, has many teaching materials and brochures on the subject of Youth+Sport

Offering Jungschar in a specific neighborhood in the afternoons to reach new children.

Bedouin teenie camp for 5 days

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing with the theme of God's Word as seed.

"Project method is the method of methods," finds M. Golpelwar, an expert in youth work.

The top projects have been tried and tested in practice and have been well received in the respective teen clubs, teen groups of the Jungschar etc.

Can you "experience" the Narue with seeing, hearing, smelling? How does one do that?

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to begin with the story of the Secret of the Wildwood and look at the lives of the two children Ruth and Philip, making the connection that Jesus loves each of us, no matter what we are.


Fit for Kids - the staff circle 

How can the gospel of Jesus Christ as a joyful and liberating message unfold its effect on children? 

Games to: Explore forest habitat

Revelation according to tapes by Rev. Walter Weyrich

Lessons 2 - 14 see PDF file

The text from Luke 19:11-26 (the entrusted pounds) is to be thought through and experienced practically. During the set time, a certain amount of money is to be multiplied in a creative way. The money collected is to go to a social or missionary cause.

Rodeo on spring-loaded wooden buck with saddle for teen group occasions in the village / neighbourhood

This season, we will look at the story of William Tyndale, who translated the Bible from Hebrew into English. Through this story we will be able to show the children the importance of the Word and that we should be thankful to have it in a language that is accessible to us. You will experience different things that are part of the story.

Lesson for KIDSTREFF

Some churches have switched to the KIDS TREFF/Promiseland model. There are new lesson materials for this. In this post, we take an existing lesson written for Jungschar and modify it so that it can be used in KIDS TREFF. 

See PDF file for detailed description and instructions


A simple pants bag game that requires quick hopping.

I'll do it! I'm not doing it! Do I? I'm not doing it?

Going out, reaching out to others, takes overcoming. What will she/he think if I suddenly come and exemplify the faith or tell something about it?

I am not going to do it

This article is a Forum booklet article.