Am meisten angesehene Artikel

This game is about building in canon. The imagination must not be missing.

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to continue with the story of The Secret of the Wildwood, experiencing adventures with Ruth and Philip and making the connection that everyone needs repentance.

Celebrate a Jungschar anniversary with other Jungschars in the region as well as with a festive service.

Visiting a cave is an exciting adventure for young and old. Natural wonders can be marvelled at, which can only be found in a cave.

How to print a t-shirt with teens?

Here are the instructions: made easy!!


At a country festival you don't stand out in western dress. It's when you hit the streets in a country look that things get critical. I noticed how many fans carry their hats in a plastic bag all the way to the festival hall and don't put it on until they get to the festival hall. 

Offer a children's week at the public outdoor pool.


Educational Miscellaneous - How Jesus Trained His "Crew" to Be Evangelists

Useful advice for various venues and situations

"A good picture is worth a thousand words; a bad one needs a thousand words to explain it." With good photos, you have a lot of options. Here are some ideas:

In practice, the suitability of commitments becomes apparent.

A paraphrase for Youngstar leaders on 1st Corinthians 13

Perhaps we have already had contact with "magical" places in the forest and can imagine that a long time ago in the forest have also hoofed strange creatures, such as dragons, giants, dwarves. Of course, these beings have also known games. Two of them are presented here.

Reflection is about looking back and thinking about what you did and how. Through this reflection, you (or the team) come to conclusions about what should be done the same or differently again in the future. The aim of reflection is not to find as many mistakes as possible, but to improve the team as a whole.


The idea of this EPA afternoon is to continue with the story of The Secret of the Wild Wood, having adventures with Ruth and Philip and making a connection so we are ready to give it our all, however small.

The following suggestion goes beyond the actual forest day. We present here a frame story that takes place every day and that creates rather quiet, contemplative moments in the lively camp life.

The aim of the Gelateria is to create a cosy place where young people can be together in an informal way. It should be a cheap alternative to the Beizenbesuch and allow contacts

- What the children notice should be made an issue

- Stress in the forest is not a daily goal

A fun re-telling of the story of the 4 friends who bring the paralyzed man to Jesus. By

A wonderful webpage with a huge of material to experience the nature, to explore or to learn for kids. You can use the ideas also for your youngstars afternoon or to visualize your devotionals.

Building a presentation with Prezi

Make miniature match-powered rockets with just a few household items!

Stand and human kicker at the village market

Everybody loves to get a present, a beautiful bike, colouringpencils, a doll, etc.
God gave us the most beautiful gift... ...His only Son, Jesus Christ.

Cool song to start or finish the meal.



                 and Help them Mature