Am meisten angesehene Artikel

Perfect if you don't want to organize too much, but still want to have fun.

This is a pants bag game that uses the feet in a slightly different way.

Game as a time killer on the go.

With a sock and a box inside, the start is given for a sock puppet. Now it is quite individual. You can create your sock puppet with all kinds of craft materials.

... or Schusser, Clicker etc. There are over 100 names for this game in the German-speaking world alone and at least as many games.

This game is great for letting off steam.

In very simple terms, the azimuth is the angular deviation between the north direction and a sought direction in the specified/required unit usually ° (degrees).

A short pants bag game that can be played well with multiple participants.

Role play around career choice, job interviews, bullying and career.

These topics are brand new to our teens as well. We play the serious case in a not quite serious way.

Developmental Psychology - Psychology and Bible

Juggling with drainage, is a totally simple game with an insane fun factor. By moving back and forth, a tennis ball can be thrown into the air and then caught again with the other side.

A wellness evening, for example, to relax after a two-day hike at summer camp.

This is a sample invitation that you can modify and use for your own EPA afternoon of detective-related experiences.

Workshop 1 on Article Evangelism ... for you

Why does God allow suffering?

How do I explain the difference with Islam?

Does we need a God if we can explain the laws of nature and life through evolution?

Is belief in God something for the weak?

Basic Course 1 - 4 by Peter Blaser, instructions for 8 days of quiet time with texts from the Epistle of Peter

For a long time, the church of F. has regularly held interesting meetings for the family members of the youth and teenagers. Everyone is invited - "family" is not seen so much genetically as "spiritually". Everyone is invited to be part of the "family of God". Here even singles, grandmas, neighbor kids, single mothers .... feel comfortable. The meetings are organized by families or small teams from the community. The focus is not on perfect organisation, not on a stylish programme, but on fellowship, games, fun, conversations, spontaneity, mutual service, encouragement and sharing.


  • Soap base
  • Lavender oil
  • Food coloring
  • Lavender buds (dried)
  • Gas cooker
  • Casserole
  • Knife
  • Silicone Forms
  • Wooden spoon or whisk

Quarter programme

Short Stories 2022

The program is based on several different short stories telling why God works and works through people and animals in amazing ways. Over the course of 7 gatherings, we want to impart these short stories to the children and motivate them to live with Christ without fear of the reaction of their friends or society.


The Bible:

- incredible

- full strong

- topical

- personal


The search for the perfect community

Brittle is a sweet that is essentially caramelized sugar and almond flakes.

It's that simple to create a camp song that will stay in everyone's ears at least until after camp.

Take charge of and conduct worship with the entire teen group from A-Z.

Each teen and leader is involved and put to work according to their gifts.

A sense of togetherness and cooperation within a group can be fostered with this pantsack game.

Poured gel candles are easy to make and look soooo great!

Gain Self-Knowledge Through the 10 Commandments

Texts on this in the Bible: Exodus 20:1-17; Deut. 5:6-18; Matt. 5:17-7:29; 22:34-40; Gal. 5:16-24 

The program is based on the book "The Secret of the Wild Wood" about a girl named Ruth and her brother Philip and their adventures. Our goal is that in 10 gatherings we can experience some of the story and encourage children to want to follow Jesus like Ruth and Philip.

Orienteering is a typical Jungschart activity. Jungschartechnik (map reading), sporting activity and nature enjoyment are combined here in an ideal way. Here we explain what you have to consider when preparing an orienteering run

For evangelism, you have to be on fire yourself

"Charisma is when someone burns inside and you feel it outwardly."

(Gerhard Schöne)

Jungschi Advent Advent Calendar

As a leadership team, you could make your Jungschi children an Advent devotional calendar.

The calendar includes reading the Christmas story, encouraging words, and little contests.

Here's the template for how we gave the kids the calendar for St. Nicholas Boys' Night. Some of the template still needs to be modified.

Have fun!

Products needed:

  • 2 cups of flour
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons fat or oil

If you have more children you can make a double portion

Adventure with the EXPLORER youth group, Uznach

Jungschar program, invited: non-believing youth

Discover God's plan!

Learn the sequence of events in the Bible from creation to Revelation and make your own Bible panorama. Look at salient points in the story and use a particularly important point for devotion.

Scrabble is a well-known parlour game that can also be expanded with several variants, give it a try!

The game is similar to "Pelote Basque", but yet not - be surprised!


Currents and Influences on Teens Today

... and how do we counter the currents and influences?

Here you will find a semester program on the topic of "Samichlaus" (St. Nicholas). The Jungschar Salem has made him without further ado the SalemChlaus and developed a great program for it.

The game can be a bit brutal, but for letting off steam it is perfectly suitable.

This workshop was prepared by me in the context of a camp (Steven feature film - the secret of the red thread) of Bibellesebund. It covers the topic of film from the basic idea to the production and post-production


  • age group 7-14
  • Outside, but around where you gather
  • One or two leaders
  • Up to 15 minutes

In this article you will find two lists. The basic list contains the components that are on the packing list for (almost) every camp

Funny game of tag, blindfolded.


Nobody will deny that the Ameisli, Jungschar and teen work costs something. But - who is going to pay for it? The youth leaders? The church? Sponsors? Or simply donors? 

Project management is concerned with planning, managing and controlling one-off, large-scale, time-limited operations (known as projects).

Teens create one or more circus shows

Competing with others in the long throw is fun for everyone: Australians throw with rubber boots, the East Frisians with tea bags and in Scotland they even throw with telegraph poles at the famous "High-Land-Games".

An amusing race "for the food"

  • Hiking and sleeping on straw
  • Excursion to the waterfall and discovery of a ruin
  • etc.