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Here you will find a semester program on the topic: "Bomb". From the chase with bomber to the "bomb party" is everything in it.

Spike your haymaker to the finish line


  • Age group 7 to 14 years
  • Around the city
  • About 7 heads
  • About 1 hour

Over the course of the year there are many dates for parents, children and leaders. These are often linked to school holidays and other church events. So it is worthwhile to keep the overview with a simple representation. 

We get to know the forest as a habitat for plants in an experiential way. "Knowing" here means much more than just knowing the names. We learn about the characteristics and nature of plant life and try to get closer to them in different ways

Semester program presented as iPhone apps, Jungschar Weingarten

- Number of players- 30

- Leaders - 8+1 to lead the game

- Age group- 9-12

- Terrain- field

Cool terrain game for teens

A life without sickness and torment awaits us in heaven!

Prepared by

Here you'll find a pair of suggestions for setting up a wall in, say, a Nehemiah camp.

A game with 5 dice

A little game to illustrate that we are to look to God and not to the people around us.

A program is presented for a local camp. The Robinson theme is incorporated into the devotions, quiet times, games, excursions and experiences. 

This article is a Forum booklet article.

Here you will find a spiritual concept, a semester program on "Ernst Tanner Helimission" and other interesting info (incl. videos).

Ernst Tanner is a Swiss missionary and helicopter pioneer who has had many exciting experiences with God, people and helicopters throughout his years. His vivid stories can be found in the books Death Shadows and More Than an Adventure (both on the Homepage of Helimission). There are also video excerpts for various stories to go with the afternoon theme.

The stories are perfect for a semester focused on young adult technology (See semester program)


  • Age group 7 to 14
  • In the city
  • At least 3 leaders
  • Up to 1 hour

A method of earning the Jungschar stars in the form of a competition.

Preparation of Pulled Pork

  • Working time approx. 45 minutes
  • Resting time approx. 45 minutes
  • Cooking/baking time approx. 3 hours
  • Total time approx. 4 hours 30 minutes

Remove excess fat from the pork neck and rub with the mustard on all sides. Mix the paprika powder, salt, pepper, cumin powder, thyme and rosemary to make a spice mixture (rub) and rub the neck of pork generously with it. Leave the meat to marinate in the fridge for 12 - 24 hours.

The next day, cut the apple into pieces and the onions into half rings.

Heat the Briquettes for the Dutch Oven. I use 6 at the bottom and 14 at the top for my 11 litre pot. Place 6 Briquettes under the pot and sauté the onions in oil. Then add the apple and sauté. Add the Worcester sauce and tomato paste and fry briefly. 

Deglaze with the stock and put the pork neck on top. Put the lid on and load it with the remaining coals. If you have one, you can also fit the pork neck with a thermometer. After approx. 1.5 hours, you can add a few more Briquettes (unless you have specially long-lasting Briquettes).

After approx. 2.5 - 3 hours, the roast is done, the core temperature should be approx. 90-95 °C. Take it out and let it rest for 30 - 45 minutes wrapped in aluminium foil. Afterwards, the roast can be pulled and served according to taste. 

Either enjoy in a roll with green and coleslaw and 1 - 2 tbsp. of the onion-apple sauce or put it back in the pot and mix it with the onion-apple sauce - a real treat. Serve with a good piece of baguette.

We make a pentagon lamp with a tea light

and have a devotion afterwards

This concept was carried out as part of the Besj League Zone Zurich. It is suitable for children and young people aged 9-16 years. It is intended to serve as a support for devotional preparation.

The participants are driven by car to a place where they do not know so well. From this place the participants have to find their way back to the starting point

Whether in the Sola, on a normal Jungschar afternoon or on a team outing, a cosy fire should almost never be missing. But which leader does not know it, that he quickly reaches for kindling cubes due to lack of knowledge or lack of time and inwardly knows: "I have sinned against the Jungschar law!" :)

Well this booklet can't give you extra time making a fire, but it can give you tips and tricks on how to make a fire survival style.

These topics are covered:
- What are the regulations/laws of fire making?
- Different natural tinder (tinder sponge/birch bark etc.)
- Different spark generators (ignition steel, fire drill etc.)
- Fire forms (pyramid, layered fire)
- Fire drilling
- Different dishes for over the fire

The booklet is very good for personal use, for leaders but also for children.
Have fun reading through it and then maybe making a fire.

practical tips and specials


The story of Noah's Ark is told in this theatre from the point of view of the animals. They have to decide if they want to believe Noah and the promises of God and go on the ark, or they stay on earth like the other spotters. For them the decision has far-reaching consequences, once they are on the ark there is no going back. At the same time, each animal has its own character traits and a different opinion about the ark.

The drama has a lot to do with trust and faith in God's promises. It is meant to bridge to our own faith lives. Do we trust God 100%? Are we already on the ark or are we about to be?

The play is written in beautiful Bärndütsch and is peppered with numerous little gags. It was written for a Pfila, so it is also expandable.... ;)

To be a main leader in the Jungschar involves several important points:

- The maze is a toy to fill dead time

- or for a group competition

- and a useful craft

Game maze


  • 7 to 14
  • between 10-15 participants
  • In a park or forest
  • 5-6 leaders
  • About 25-30 minutes


  • Ropes
  • Blindfolds

Game trails


  • 7 to 14
  • 10-15 participants
  • In a park or forest
  • 5-6 leaders
  • About 25-30 minutes


  • empty boxes
  • Grains (beans, lentils, corn, etc.)
  • Tin cans

You reap what you sow!

Prepared by


The stopper hitch is a knot that clamps when loaded and slides when unloaded. Similar to the Prusik.

Silent Time and Song Booklet for Camp Week

This concept was carried out as part of the Besj League Zone Zurich. It is suitable for children and young people aged 9-16 years. It is meant to serve as a support for devotional preparation.

The basic idea for the concept was based on this article. Thanks for it:…

Here you'll find a spiritual camp concept, a weekly schedule, and a play script on the theme of "Uncle Tom's Cabin."

In this game, participants are stimulated in their theatricality and fanaticism.

Sailing across the sea with the Jungschar, discovering America and having great experiences - who hasn't dreamed of the great adventures of Eirik and Halvdan, Hroald and Knútr and what they were all called.

For our sola, instead of a traditional theater, we recorded a radio play with all the leaders. Here is our result for further use or development

On the English-language website you can find images from various Bible stories.

A kind of rugby where not physical strength is needed but speed.


Cross-country game just before Christmas
Result: creativity in designing an Advent wreath

This is how good newspaper articles are made: 

A good public image builds trust and gives valuable relationships. Writing for newspapers can be done by those who have basic knowledge of spelling, grammar and sentence structure. This article will give you some valuable tips.

A very nice team game for all ages, but highly recommended for ages 15 and up, and a "must play" for students.

Homesickness happens to children every now and then, especially during extended camps in tents or houses. Sometimes it's hardly an issue, sometimes homesickness spreads like an epidemic.

In this article, you'll learn how homesickness develops, how to reduce the likelihood of it happening in the first place, and what to do when a child is homesick.

Goal of the week: to help teens get a long-term vision for living as a Christian in order to survive in a postmodern, de-Christianized environment

Suspenseful terrain game with "Einstein, Madonna, Rambo, Schwarzenegger and 007"

Play fitness training - group competition with self-invented fitness exercises

It works in a similar way to normal floorball. Instead of field hockey sticks, the players have a fly swatter and the game is played with a ping-pong ball. The playing field, group size and goal size can be freely adapted to suit requirements.


  • Age group 7 to 14 years
  • Outdoors in the city
  • At least 3 leaders
  • Up to 1 hour

After Moses was found by Pharaoh's daughter, his family was allowed to take care of him while he was still a baby. To take care of a small child you have to know and be able to do a lot of things. The groups of about 3 children demonstrate their skills at different posts. One group at a time is at one post. One group wins per post, the overall winning group receives a certificate per person.

This semester program tells the story of Esther (The Story of Esther in the Bible). Enclosed you will also find reports and pictures from the individual afternoons.

Why not play with unfamiliar play equipment for once?