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Here you will find a beastly semester program

Here you will find program and devotional ideas for 9 afternoons. From the trainer to the finish line, when we walk with Jesus as a team.

Have you ever baked a BIBLE CUKE? Give it a try!

Elisha no longer has his servant Gehazi. So we help him with his work. This includes collecting the wool in the forest. Suddenly a rabbit comes hopping up and claims that the wool belongs to him. We think this is unfair and suggest dividing up the wool in a game.

This is a semester program on traffic signs

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing with the theme God's Word is like honey.

1 Camp Plan

1 Spiritual Concept


17 Program Blank

Photos, flyers, history

A fun trouser bag game for in between

A Raben-Vertüferli from a clothespin.

Fitting e.g. to the story of Elijah and the ravens or to the main message: God cares for you.

Or to the Bible verse 1 Peter 5:7

The Vertüüferli is used as a magnetic note holder.

Here you will find a semester program on the body


An outdoor game for 20 - 500 people, takes about 2-5 hours  

Semester program of 6 devotions on the life of Queen Esther.

If glycerine is added to potassium permanganate, it ignites spontaneously after a while. Numerous biblical passages with fire can be illustrated with this.

4 varied posts for Ameisli.

  • Water for Ahab
  • Ravens as food suppliers
  • Boredom at the stream Krit
  • Shelter for Elijah

Each item relates to the story of Elijah at the Krit stream.

Best done in the forest.

A creative form of prayer in which everyone joins in and has fun

In a camp setting or on a special day, a fair is set up by the children. Leaders and caregivers visit the children's fair. Through a great offer the children try to take the play money from their caregivers.

A fun game to play during breaks.

When steel wool is between the poles of a battery, it starts to burn. This can be used to illustrate many biblical passages where fire occurs.

Knowing Biblical Cities: 8 afternoons

Jungschar Chrischona, Bettingen

Which group manages to get their flag out of their opponent's field and into their own? This is a movement-intensive terrain game that needs almost no preparation.

The night's rest is a much discussed topic in most camps. Here are some basic thoughts and experiences about it. You have had other experiences? Then feel free to add to this article!

A game where the head of the snake wants to grab the tail

- An afternoon for all Jungschar ages
- 12 posts to set records and prove courage

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing with the theme God's Word is more valuable even than gold and silver.

This outdoor-sauna is run by a fire with a pressurized pot on it, that is providing steam to heat up your sauna.

This semester program includes various games that are played on the respective afternoons.

Details can be found in the reports.

This devotional concept was created for a fall camp (7 days) on the theme of the Wild West. Parallel to this theme, the book of Joshua (life in the new land) was dealt with.

This year we made a camp where an artifact has to be found. This was with us the golden Hörnli.

The camp is thematically based on Uncharted/Indiana Jones/Tomb Raider and thus had counterparts who were dressed in a mercenary outfit.

Games with and without material

Help it's raining! How do we organize our Olympics NOW!

In tent camps it is important to be able to build a functioning infrastructure. This article provides an overview of possible camp buildings. The camp buildings have to be adapted to different aspects:

camp duration, camp size, camp site, age of the participants, season and fun of building

You can't believe everything that Hollywood and co. present to us. Various tricks are used in movies. One of the most common is the so-called green or blue screen technique.

Here you can find our semester program, which we made for the CD Jetzt gits Ärger from ERF. 

Age group: 13-18

Number of participants: 55-60

Number of leaders: 10-15

Here you will find a semester program including a spiritual concept on the topic "In the dinghy on the ocean".

In the rubber dinghy on the ocean is known to many as an audio book from childhood. It is the story of a group of 8 US army personnel who get lost in the Pacific due to a technical defect and are ultimately forced to ditch. With the ditching begins the exciting fight for survival where it can be a matter of an earlobe or a slice of orange.

The audio book "Im Schluchboot uf em Ozean" is still available in various bookshops.

Quiet time/devotional booklet on the camp theme Noah.

For each camp day there is a devotional for the small group, one for the older ones (approx. 5th grade upwards) and one for the younger ones (from kindergarten) including a leader's booklet.

A quick game to get to know each other.

We are building a hot tub with a circulating pump and wood fire, we want to show how you can build something cool with simple means and enjoy a relaxing evening in the pool far away from civilization. There is also a cozy corner with sofas, a fireplace and a barbecue.

The classic rope pulling, with various possible modifications

To knot the monkey fist (a ball) is not so difficult and does not take as much time as many think. The monkey fist is mainlyused as a decorative knot.

According to Wikipedia, the monkey fist is also called Schmeissknoten, Kindskopf or Monkeyhead.

+Good to have benches or chairs for this game,

Children need exercise to develop healthily. Physical activity not only promotes motor skills, but also has an impact on all areas of development. In youth work we canmake an important contribution to counteract the increasing lack of exercise in our society. 

If a balloon is filled with air and held over a flame, it will burst immediately. If you fill it with water, it will survive the flame unscathed. The experiment serves to illustrate various passages from the Bible.

In a PowerPoint presentation, the wonderful story of God's love through His Son Jesus Christ, can be followed.

If you are a large team in which it often happens that individuals are absent from meetings, it is practical if a protocol is written for the meeting. In it all important information of the meeting are summarized. The protocol is sent after the meeting by mail to the entire team, or uploaded to a common platform such as Dropbox or Google Drive

The team success factors form a model in which the most important aspects of teamwork are highlighted. If there are problems in the team, these criteria can be used to investigate the causes. The model was developed by Marvin Weisbord

A sheet of paper is cut through with a straight cut, resulting in several sections which can be used for a devotion.