
A kind of rugby where not physical strength is needed but speed.


Which group manages to get their flag out of their opponent's field and into their own? This is a movement-intensive terrain game that needs almost no preparation.

Collection of ideas on the bearing theme Nehemiah.

Also selectable as a semester program or single game.

It is not at all easy to find a theme for the camp, for the Bible nowhere tells of ice and snow.

A fun game to play during breaks.

A well-known pastry that you can now make yourself.

Brittle is a sweet that is essentially caramelized sugar and almond flakes.

Balloon figures inspire children!

Here are the instructions for a swan.

Bedouin teenie camp for 5 days

Orienteering is a typical Jungschart activity. Jungschartechnik (map reading), sporting activity and nature enjoyment are combined here in an ideal way. Here we explain what you have to consider when preparing an orienteering run

Disciplined behaviour is extremely important in a Jungschar. Only in this way is it possible to run programs in such a way that they are fun for (almost) everyone. And only this way it is possible to do activities with a little higher risk with the children. In these situations we have to be able to rely on them.

Soon we meet for the joint departure to the "New World", as America is also called at this time. Are you prepared for adventure and western life? We are looking forward to our time together!

Here are a few ideas and tips for writing articles.

Achja: As with every other article on the YoungstarsWiki: Additions are welcome!

A game of Fangis that requires a bit of team spirit.

Colored snow sculptures isn't that even something special?

The snow is on fire, the snow is on fire!!! Can this be true?

Polar bears can be quite dangerous, every Inuit - that's the right name for Eskimos - knows that and gets into his igloo as quickly as possible. This is also the case in this game, in which two groups represent the polar bears and the Inuit, respectively.

This article is about how you can raise money for your work.

Many different ideas or suggestions of ideas for young people's groups in the city.

Here's a recipe for how to make gummy bears with kids

GLT_C1_Idea Exchange Creative Projects_1

GLT_E1_Pastoral Care_2

Youngstars ministry is based on seven core values: Christ-centered, relational, needs-based, holistic experiential, multiplication, community-relevant, society-relevant.


In this article, you'll find some tips to make sure shopping for craft supplies doesn't break your budget

Empowerment has a lot to do with trust, acceptance, personal commitment and empathy. These things can only be partially learned. However, every leader should know what "motivation buttons" there are in relation to children (but also adults). Experienced leaders use the motivators that are appropriate to the situation and person.

The night's rest is a much discussed topic in most camps. Here are some basic thoughts and experiences about it. You have had other experiences? Then feel free to add to this article!

In this article you will find two lists. The basic list contains the components that are on the packing list for (almost) every camp

Homesickness happens to children every now and then, especially during extended camps in tents or houses. Sometimes it's hardly an issue, sometimes homesickness spreads like an epidemic.

In this article, you'll learn how homesickness develops, how to reduce the likelihood of it happening in the first place, and what to do when a child is homesick.

To get to know the children's parents better, they can be invited to a meal. The meal is prepared with the children and the parents can only come at the arranged time, sit down and enjoy the cooked meal.

The children/teenagers will cook a meal without the use of normal kitchen utensils.

Learning Bible verses by heart is a good way to deepen core messages. This can be done in a fun and playful way, so that children as well as leaders can learn Bible verses by heart without much effort or expense

Memorization should take no more than 15 minutes. With the different game variations in advance, however, it can take longer in total.

It can be used at the beginning of the devotion as an introduction or at the end of the devotion as a consolidation. The Bible verses, which are learned by heart, should always be linked in the context of a core biblical message.

This devotion is a possible devotion on John 6:1-15 and can be found, for example, at the afternoon program to the feeding of the 5000 men can be used.

Description of a game idea and its possible implementation. Should inspire to implement ideas yourself, to adapt proven games or to play popular games differently in their own context.

Background of the idea is an own game, which I designed in my spare time for home, but which can also be played in the youth group.

A cross-country game to show the Cubs that only the whole armor Jesus gives us will help us succeed. Do not do things by halves. 

Public relations means to communicate consciously with the public. This can be done, for example, by pushing newspaper articles or organising events that are specifically for the public (or a certain target group) (e.g. children's weeks).

Here you can find all the articles and posts that were created at the BESJ Teamweekend 12 in Huttwil. We wish you a lot of fun trying them out

Company Tycoon is a city game that has proven itself as an alternative to

Mr. X, especially in smaller towns.

The game is afternoon filling (about 2,5-3h).

Cool song to start or finish the meal.

Wordle is an online software for creating word clouds. You can use it to decorate a flyer. Here the link to create.

Information about copyrights and when you are allowed to put a song on the YoungstarsWiki.

The team success factors form a model in which the most important aspects of teamwork are highlighted. If there are problems in the team, these criteria can be used to investigate the causes. The model was developed by Marvin Weisbord

A game in which you can experience experiential communication disorder.

A simple little craft. A bookmark is melted together from 5 drinking straws.

The management cycle is a guideline for rational action. This usually leads to solid results in the medium to long term in all areas of children and youth work.

The management cycle is a guideline for rational action

In tent camps it is important to be able to build a functioning infrastructure. This article provides an overview of possible camp buildings. The camp buildings have to be adapted to different aspects:

camp duration, camp size, camp site, age of the participants, season and fun of building

How can I take good photos? This article has some tips on how to do that.

Taking photos is easier than shooting movies.


With the help of craft sheets can create beautiful works of art. The templates can be downloaded as a PDF and printed. Since the templates were created by professionals, you can assume a high quality.