Am meisten angesehene Artikel

The classic rope pulling, with various possible modifications

Here's how to make marshmallows yourself

A circle game in which one participant has to find the conductor.

How do children and teenagers learn? What shapes learning? What consequences does this have for the learning process? This article aims to provide information on these and other questions.

125 Program Suggestions of Every Kind for Filled Young Share Afternoons

Game in which teamwork/cooperation is necessary.

Circle game with physical action.

A sheet of paper is cut through with a straight cut, resulting in several sections which can be used for a devotion. 

Relay? No! No way. That's way too dangerous, and what could happen there!

We want to show you that abseiling doesn't have to be any more dangerous than playing cross-country in the woods. If you observe the basic safety precautions, then abseiling becomes a good and special event that will be remembered for a long time.

See PDF file

for complete article with pictures of knots, carabiners, etc

A highlight of the Jungschi know-how market is: pulling chocolate candles.

Try it once!


Indoor and outdoor play possible with up to 10 children

Game idea of the Jungschar FMG Wetzikon

We are building a hot tub with a circulating pump and wood fire, we want to show how you can build something cool with simple means and enjoy a relaxing evening in the pool far away from civilization. There is also a cozy corner with sofas, a fireplace and a barbecue.

- Game - Trust

- Devotion - "Happiness of life" (fulfilled life)

Make fruit skewers coated with chocolate

A semester program of various activities on the theme of "I love ..." and with 7 devotions on Genesis.

8 day sola 2014 of the youth forum Wiedenest

Detail program Teen-Sola 2014

Theme: Vikings

On the road on a secret mission

This semester program is based on the following book:


The story is about William Tyndale, who translated the Bible into English. 

Program for 1/2 Year Teen Youth Group

Hit the "buck" with your stone and don't get caught

This concept was carried out as part of the Besj League Zone Zurich. It is suitable for children and young people aged 9-16 years. It is intended to serve as a support for devotional preparation.

This boat moves forward in the water with the energy stored in the rubber by turning the paddle wheel backwards. It can be experimented with different amounts and thicknesses of rubber until the best result is achieved.

Various relay types are explained here.

A game of Fangis that requires a bit of team spirit.

Make an orienteering course with the Bible. This article shows you how to make an orienteering event where the participants are led through different Bible passages to the next post. It's fun - let yourself be surprised...

Make an edible snake out of a sandwich.

The snake is suitable, for example, for:

-A jungle program / festival

-An animal / creation program

-The story of the brazen serpent

If a balloon is filled with air and held over a flame, it will burst immediately. If you fill it with water, it will survive the flame unscathed. The experiment serves to illustrate various passages from the Bible.


When we hear "forest animal" we probably think first of the larger specimens of forest fauna, such as deer, stags, foxes, badgers, or perhaps martens or squirrels, but there are many more.

You never have enough games, so: here are more games!!

When Jesus spoke, it came alive. He did not make yawning lectures with many abstract words but often used pictures. We humans love pictures. Pictures are easier to memorize. Pictures illustrate something and pictures can be remembered - especially when they have something to do with our life. And the pictures which Jesus used, had to do with his audience. Let us take the parables of the kingdom of heaven (Matthew chapter 13) as an example. A whole chapter where Jesus talks in images to the people and his disciples. There were many farmers among the audience and that is what the parables of the fourfold field are aiming at - the word which does not only fall on good soil or the image of the enemy who sows a seed which destroys the good seed. Then there were also housewives, for whom the image of the leaven is just right or then also the fishing net, which of course fits for the fishermen in this region at the so-called Galilean Sea - the Sea of Galilee.

But if we now ask ourselves which image Jesus probably used as the very first one, it seems to be not so easy at all. And if I'm going to ask it that way, it's certainly not one of the ones I just mentioned. That's true. The parable of the fishing net is the closest to our image, because it is also about fishing. Now, of course, it rings a bell with most people. It is about the incident when Jesus was passing by the Sea of Galilee and saw Peter and Andrew in the boat and called out to them, "Come, follow me. I will make you fishers of men!" An incident that is actually familiar to many of us. But I think it's worth looking at a little more closely:

Exciting quarterly program for Ameisli with four originals from the Bible featuring:

- Cooking
- Physical activity
- Crafts
- Devotions


  • age 7 to 14
  • between 10-15 participants
  • Indoor or outdoor
  • 2 handlers will be needed to prepare

This game is an off-road game that can be played in an open meadow as well as in the forest.


... is fun to make

and fun to play with

This concept was carried out as part of the Besj League Zone Zurich. It is suitable for children and young people aged 9-16 years. It is intended to serve as a support for devotional preparation.

Building an improvised bivouac without talking to each other is a real challenge.

But the results are impressive.

What to do if you have non-swimmers in your group?

Quarterly program for 9 boys' afternoons and 8 devotions

When steel wool is between the poles of a battery, it starts to burn. This can be used to illustrate many biblical passages where fire occurs.

Unknown Prophets of the Bible - What a challenge! How cool if the young people know Amos, Nahum, Micah, Habakkuk or an incident about them. With this motivation, we set out to learn about the unknown person


  • 7 to 14 years
  • up to 15 participants
  • 2 leaders and 4 helpers
  • about 30-40 minutes


  • 20 scarves
  • 4 earplugs
  • 1 long bar
  • 1 short bar
  • 2 flags
  • 2 morse code
  • 2 tarpaulins
  • lantern
  • whistle
  • ropes
  • 2 metal stilts

Brother Yun is a Chinese evangelist who has greatly influenced the house church movement in China over the past 4 decades. His hunger for a Bible after his conversion at 16, his vision to spread the gospel, and his perseverance in prayer are exemplary and well suited for a semester program for young people with 7-14 occasions. After years of living in prisons, Brother Yun now lives in Germany. His vivid stories have been written down in the book "Heavenly Man" 

Track Mister X by bike using coordinates.

This is a seat-of-the-pants game that requires everyone's full attention. Everyone can win or everyone can lose.

A knight's camp held in a ruin is presented.

This article is a Forum issue article and it is attached as a PDF file.

Jungle leaders contribute much to the building of the house of "church" as "builders."

Where and how do they help?

If it should rain cats and dogs at summer camp ...

"Detective run in the house"!!

  • Age group 7 to 14 years
  • In a park
  • Up to 5 leaders
  • Up to 1 hour

During the telling of a biblical story, the children are each given a drink that suits them. This allows them to experience the story and immerse themselves in the feelings of the characters.