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Tackling the session and so his team and the work in the name of God is what the author advocates.

In experiential education, personality and social skills are to be developed and trained through group experiences.

The aim of the game is to transport Bibles across the playing field without losing them to catchers.

The youth group version of the game Werewolves of Bleak Forest (static) and Among us / Mafia (mobile).

Whether in teen or youth ministry, no leader wants to bore his or her participants with his or her devotions. Now to have exciting and fruitful devotions, you don't have to water down God's Word or talk about worldly things. It is simply a matter of interpreting the Bible.
The devotional principle "HEY,YOU SEE SO" can be a great help to us as leaders to captivate the participants with our devotions.

This devotional principle comes from the book: Ten Goals of Youth Ministry. p.98.

1. Discover your beliefs

2. What applies to me

3. My energy pie

Hunger, persecution, lack of perspective was for centuries a reason to leave the known Europe and seek the new happiness in the land of unlimited opportunities.

Pass it around the circle with yes and no.

A sweet Zvieri for over the fire

Heat the tin over a camping stove until it becomes liquid. Then pour into the prepared mold. After cooling, sand the pewter figure with files until it fits.

This concept was carried out as part of the Besj League Zone Zurich. It is suitable for children and young people aged 9-16 years. It is intended to serve as a support for devotional preparation.

A little craft to a devotion with the possible topics:

  • Prayer
  • Psalm 50:50 or Psalm 4:4
  • "God hears you"
  • "You can always talk to God"

During 8 days in "Quiet Time":
Living with God using the example of Daniel

Here you will find our semester program on the theme of different comic book characters.

Each afternoon we took a different comic book character through.

As decoration we always had a big picture of this comic character beamed on the wall at the entrance and showed a short film about the topic.

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing with the theme of God's Word as milk.

A semester program of activities on the theme "Simply Animal!" and with 8 devotions via various animals.

A game to deepen the 1st commandment.

Two groups have to expand their territory with "gods". The group with the most points wins.

This poinsettia is bast from tree branches. He is easy to build and looks besondern as a star to Christmas lights decoration great. If this star is tinkered with small children should be especially careful when cutting the branches and when gluing with the hot glue gun so that the children do not hurt themselves. 

Three teams want to open a seafood restaurant. To ensure the long-term survival, a good training of the staff is essential. In addition, it is always an advantage if a restaurant can boast as many stars as possible. A serious jury will award a golden aquarium to the restaurant with the most original and creative ideas

Here you will find a spiritual camp concept and a weekly plan on the theme of "King Arthur."

An action-packed off-road game. Best suited to the forest.

We did a Viking camp in 2020 where the kids were divided into 4 groups and they did something different every day

In terms of time, we are two years after Jesus was born, shortly before Joseph, Mary and Jesus flew to Egypt. It is assumed that Jesus was around two years old at this point in time.


A play on the theme: light and darkness

Many different ideas or suggestions of ideas for young people's groups in the city.

Transfer yourself to the Wild West: The Indians have reached unknown land after a long wandering. Catan it shall be called! But you are not the only one. Other intrepid Indians are already in Catan: the race for settlement has begun!

This is a night game that you need a forest or park to play.

A creative pants bag game, which also has a high laugh factor ;-)

This is a semester program on "Walking with Jesus"


  • Age group 7 to 14
  • Park
  • 2-3 leaders
  • ca. 45 minutes


  • Age group 7 to 14
  • In park, forest
  • 2-3 leaders
  • About an hour

Paul's Co-Workers in Christ Jesus - Teamwork in the Service of the Lord

The aim of the Technik-Sternli is to teach children age-appropriate Jungschart techniques. A signature run is a good opportunity to apply the content of the Orientation Zack at the Jungschi level.

Funny pants bag game without material.

We were all infected by a dangerous virus. The disease is very contagious and getting worse, so we have been expelled from our villages. There is supposed to be a miracle cure that can defeat the virus.

This is a fun catching game.

A minimum of 15 people are needed.

Here you will find a beastly semester program

11 Afternoon Programs re: ABRAHAM

A semester program on Esther and Ruth (Spiritual Theme) as well as various ideas for program activities.

A game for Ameisli

This is a semester program on the theme of Jonah.

Here you will find program and devotional ideas for 9 afternoons. From the coach to the finish, when we are on the road with Jesus as a team

65 Themes for Teen or Youth Evenings

Have you ever baked a BIBLE CUP? Give it a try!


This is not about easy recipes, it is about the biblical way. On the one hand, this way is a way of joy, because God wants to ignite our heart and make us useful for his plans, but it is also a way which is often uncomfortable and makes us look deep into our inner being.

A simple game idea with great effect.

Everyone is asked to complete the common task of keeping the ball in the air.

This game is suitable for teaching young children how to handle and find their way through the Bible in a playful way.

Elisha no longer has his servant Gehazi. Therefore, we help him with the work. This includes collecting the wool in the forest. Suddenly a rabbit comes hobbling over and claims that the wool belongs to him. We think this is unfair and propose to divide the wool in a game.