
The idea of this EPA afternoon is to continue with the story of The Secret of the Wildwood, having adventures with Ruth and Philip and making the connection that As sheep listen to the voice of their shepherd, I listen to the voice of God.

Game maze


  • 7 to 14
  • between 10-15 participants
  • In a park or forest
  • 5-6 leaders
  • About 25-30 minutes


  • Ropes
  • Blindfolds

Game trails


  • 7 to 14
  • 10-15 participants
  • In a park or forest
  • 5-6 leaders
  • About 25-30 minutes


  • empty boxes
  • Grains (beans, lentils, corn, etc.)
  • Tin cans


  • 7 to 14
  • Between 10-15 participants
  • Indoor or outdoor
  • 1 leader is enough
  • Up to 10 minutes at most


  • 16 matchboxes
  • Different types of grains ( beans, corn, lentils, etc.)

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to continue with the story of the Secret of the Wildwood, having adventures with Ruth and Philip and making the connection that Jesus wants to find every lost sheep.

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to begin with the story of the Secret of the Wildwood and look at the lives of the two children Ruth and Philip, making the connection that Jesus loves each of us, no matter what we are.

The program is based on the book "The Secret of the Wild Wood" about a girl named Ruth and her brother Philip and their adventures. Our goal is that in 10 gatherings we can experience some of the story and encourage children to want to follow Jesus like Ruth and Philip.


  • 7-14 years
  • Between 10-15
  • Indoor or outdoor
  • 2-3 supervisors will be needed to monitor the game
  • 45 min to 1 hour

Age: 9-14

Heads: 1-2

Age group: 13-18

Number of participants: 55-60

Number of leaders: 10-15

Age group - 7-12 years.

Handlers - 1-2

Suitable terrain - level ground. Can be on grass, but there should be no dew.

For this purpose, everyone stands in a circle and one person (the goose) stands outside the circle. He walks in a circle around the people and when he touches someone, the person touched has to make a circle around the circle, racing the goose, and return to his place. However, if the goose gets there first, it stays put and the other person becomes the new goose.

It is important to remember that when the goose touches someone, it runs in the direction it is walking, and the person touched, in the opposite direction.

The well-known "sink ships" as an active game for indoors or outdoors.

Who can keep the balloon in the air the longest?

A game where the head of the snake wants to grab the tail

The classic rope pulling, with various possible modifications

Spike your haymaker to the finish line

Hit the "buck" with your stone and don't get caught

Here you will find a simple recipe how to fry nettles on the fire.

This quarter game is a great fun for both Jungschärler and Ameisli. You can play it outside in the quarter of the church or in case of emergency also inside. 

Working with soapstone is a craft that inspires both girls and boys. Whether at summer camp or as a youth group afternoon, soapstone always goes and promotes the creativity of the children.

A game of tag that was developed in a BESJ leadership course. Fits thematically to biblical stories where people are in prison (e.g. Peter, Paul)

This is a sample invitation that you can modify and use for your own EPA afternoon of detective-related experiences.

Viking Olympics

In the document below you will find a fun and entertaining sports block - a real Viking Olympics.

Have fun trying it out and customizing it:) 


An entertaining village game in which the young warriors are sent to Jericho as scouts to solve tricky puzzles and gather important information about the city and its inhabitants.

A game to deepen the 1st commandment.

Two groups have to expand their territory with "gods". The group with the most points wins.

Bible passages:

  • Matthew 13:24-30
  • Matthew 13:36-43


  • Evangelism
  • who bears fruit?
  • Bringing light into the world
  • Jesus` coming again

Follow the cable. Jeweles, the first book of the answer, is guided by the locked word solution.

Make fun pencil ornaments with pipe cleaners

On various topics, costume contests can be made with the children. The disguises are made from everyday materials such as newspaper and tape.

Possible themes: Kings (e.g., on the story of David, Solomon).

A great way to act out Bible stories or other stories in a devotional is with Playmobil.

In this article I give you some tips and ideas.

A Raben-Vertüferli from a clothespin.

Fitting e.g. to the story of Elijah and the ravens or to the main message: God cares for you.

Or to the Bible verse 1 Peter 5:7

The Vertüüferli is used as a magnetic note holder.

A little craft to a devotion with the possible topics:

  • Prayer
  • Psalm 50:50 or Psalm 4:4
  • "God hears you"
  • "You can always talk to God"

A great little bag for devotions on a wide variety of topics.

You can also attach a hidden message that appears when you open the clothespin.

A Vertüüferli to your devotion, for example, on the topics of "salvation" or "Jesus saves"


A sweet Zvieri for over the fire

Here's how to make marshmallows yourself

Here you can find out how you can use cotton pads and wax to make fire starters with the children

Here's how to make an edible crocodile from a cucumber.

The cucumber crocodile goes with, for example:

-A jungle program / party

-To the story of Joseph in Egypt (Nile crocodile)

Make an edible snake out of a sandwich.

The snake is suitable, for example, for:

-A jungle program / festival

-An animal / creation program

-The story of the brazen serpent

Make fruit skewers coated with chocolate

Make a heart-shaped pillow with fur fabric

The pillow fits e.g. to the topics: love (God loves you), friendship (e.g. to the story of David and Jonathan)

A book summary of the book "Robin Hood" by Howard Pyle.

Each of the 15 chapters is briefly summarized in key words.

The summary can be a help e.g. to develop the storyline for a Robin Hood SoLa.

Make a cake in the shape of a treasure chest.

The cake goes with, for example: a treasure hunt program, a seafaring camp, a pirate program, the story of the treasure in the field, to the main idea "You are valuable to God"

Make a heart-shaped card holder out of wire. The card holder fits e.g. love (God loves you), friendship (e.g. story of David and Jonathan) or is suitable as a present for Mother's Day.

In terms of time, we are two years after Jesus was born, shortly before Joseph, Mary and Jesus flew to Egypt. It is assumed that Jesus was around two years old at this point in time.

The aim of the Technik-Sternli is to teach children age-appropriate Jungschart techniques. A signature run is a good opportunity to apply the content of the Orientation Zack at the Jungschi level.

The aim of the Technik-Sternli is to teach children age-appropriate Jungschart techniques. Relays are ideal for regularly refreshing all technical areas.

The aim of the Technik-Sternli is to teach children age-appropriate Jungschart techniques. The fire game is ideal for the Ameisli, Jungschi and aspirant / teen level to playfully apply or test how to make a fire.

Numbers and numbers